Railwayβ€’12mo ago

railway login fails

Project ID: c00bf732-7a6a-441d-8de0-44e9bbba444a I have installed railway with curl (curl -fsSL https://railway.app/install.sh | sh) The issue is, it fails when I attempt to login. System is Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS hristo@ubuntu-4gb-fsn1-1:~$ railway login
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Browserless Login Failed to fetch: error decoding response body: expected value at line 2 column 1 Caused by: 0: error decoding response body: expected value at line 2 column 1 1: expected value at line 2 column 1
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18 Replies
Percyβ€’12mo ago
Project ID: c00bf732-7a6a-441d-8de0-44e9bbba444a
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
what version of the cli are you using? railway --version
hrhristovβ€’12mo ago
railwayapp 3.3.1
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
well that's the latest version, so I'm out of ideas, I will tag I'm the appropriate team member when I see them online
hrhristovβ€’12mo ago
thanks! I am doing this over ssh, but even railway login -b fails in the same way there is no login link provided, but the same error
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
odd, and very unhelpful error message too
Percyβ€’12mo ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
hrhristovβ€’12mo ago
I have updated to the latest version, but the issue persists: hristo@ubuntu-4gb-fsn1-1:~$ railway --version railwayapp 3.4.0 hristo@ubuntu-4gb-fsn1-1:~$ railway login -b Browserless Login Failed to fetch: error decoding response body: expected value at line 2 column 1 Caused by: 0: error decoding response body: expected value at line 2 column 1 1: expected value at line 2 column 1 Architecture is aarch64 , I have checked that the correct software is installed, it matches the hash of railway-v3.4.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
I've flagged the team and they will come help when they have the time next week πŸ™‚
hrhristovβ€’12mo ago
It's not urgent, it works on my laptop, but it's curious what could be the cause
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
I'm curious too, we shall wait and see what team says about this
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Unknown Userβ€’12mo ago
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Cryogenicβ€’12mo ago
Not sure if this is the right place but seems like a recent login fail issuse so adding it here but this is what I am getting when trying to login
Cryogenicβ€’12mo ago
updated cli
Cryogenicβ€’12mo ago
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
you are on a super old cli version, please upgrade to the latest 3.4.0 that version is from December 10th of 2021
Cryogenicβ€’12mo ago
okay so I had railway installed in 3 locations that explains a lot thanks sorted!
Brodyβ€’12mo ago
no problem!