Soft Delete Strategy

I'm a person of eloquent taste; one who prefers the soft delete. With the current feature set of drizzle, how is everyone pulling this off currently? My personal favorite when using Postgres is by using partial indexes; such as this article describes as I must deal with uniqueness and wish to not index deleted data. Does drizzle have any way I can rig my schema to create partial indxes atm?
Soft Delete and Unique Constraint
When using the soft delete mechanism on the database, you might run into a situation where a record with a unique constraint was deleted…
6 Replies
Andrii Sherman
Drizzle ORM has a syntax for partial indexes, but drizzle-kit has no support for it right now. Good thing I'm working on adding partial indexes to drizzle kit + checks to drizzle-kit. This month should be shipped
rykunoOP2y ago
My god, this library is maintained by absolute Chads
WinterOdin17mo ago
And how are things going?
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman17mo ago
tired question, but we are working on it, were just distracted by a bit bigger issues
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado17mo ago
keep rocking @a_sherman !
WinterOdin17mo ago
Awsome, do you have "date" when you are gonna release it? I'm asking because i don't know if i wanna spend hours on implementation just to get notification about the new drizzle orm update the next day xD

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