Filamentβ€’13mo ago
ericmp #2

How to globally costumize filament colors

Im not using admin panel. I'd like to know if there is a way to change all the blue colors to another color in a "easy way", globally or something
6 Replies
LeandroFerreiraβ€’13mo ago
Did you run this setup? https://filamentphp.com/docs/2.x/tables/installation#configuring-tailwind-css
primary: colors.blue
primary: colors.blue
Installation - Table Builder - Filament
The elegant TALL stack table builder for Laravel artisans.
ericmp #2
ericmp #2β€’13mo ago
yes but it says vendor/filament/forms/dist/module.esm.css:1618:3: The bg-primary-600 class does not exist i changed it to my custom color primary: #mycolor
LeandroFerreiraβ€’13mo ago
like this? https://tailwindcss.com/docs/customizing-colors#color-object-syntax
primary: {
50: "#cffafe",
100: "#cffafe",
200: "#a5f3fc",
primary: {
50: "#cffafe",
100: "#cffafe",
200: "#a5f3fc",
Customizing Colors - Tailwind CSS
Customizing the default color palette for your project.
ericmp #2
ericmp #2β€’13mo ago
no, since i only have a color, not a palette of that color: sorry if wasnt clear i did:
colors: {
primary: '#06b6d4',
colors: {
primary: '#06b6d4',
im getting to do it slowly by doing this on my css:
@layer components {
.bg-primary-600 {
@apply bg-my-color;
@layer components {
.bg-primary-600 {
@apply bg-my-color;
not sure if its a good idea
LeandroFerreiraβ€’13mo ago
try this: https://www.tints.dev/primary/06B6D4
primary: {
50: "#E1FAFE",
100: "#C8F6FD",
200: "#8DEBFC",
300: "#56E2FA",
400: "#1BD7F9",
500: "#06B6D4",
600: "#0590A9",
700: "#046E81",
800: "#024854",
900: "#01262D"
primary: {
50: "#E1FAFE",
100: "#C8F6FD",
200: "#8DEBFC",
300: "#56E2FA",
400: "#1BD7F9",
500: "#06B6D4",
600: "#0590A9",
700: "#046E81",
800: "#024854",
900: "#01262D"
Tailwind CSS 11-color Palette Generator and API
A fast and flexible, HSL-tweakable palette generator and API for Tailwind CSS
ericmp #2
ericmp #2β€’13mo ago
o wow nice page discovered here it works just magical dude thanks a lot appreciate ur time πŸ™