Straight fitted pants with a full break is acceptable?

Is it acceptable to wear straight fitted jeans and chinos with more of a full break? I notice alot of fit pictures with said pants tend to have big cuffs
3 Replies
Smiles13mo ago
Yes, if it looks good. I know thats a fake answer but you can wear your pants with any type of break, as long as the pants-shoe interaction is working. A full break is harder than a half or no break to pull off though. Also I'm surprised you see a lot of big cuffs, that's definitely a lot less popular now.
Bigelow13mo ago
full break is more trendy than big cuffs right now but a picture would help
gimp13mo ago
No problem at all. IMO the only times full break doesn't work are: 1) When you go too long and step on the backs of the pants, and 2) When you go too slim for the break, and instead of breaking over the shoes it bunches at your ankles (or further up.)