Railway13mo ago

Can't Payment

hello we have 1 joint project using railway, and now the project is paused because it exceeded the limit and we try to activate our owner account but always Card Rejected in that account, we have tried using visa and mastercard payments but still can't on the project, we have 3 member accounts with status 1 owner account permission and 2 account permissions" can edit " my question is whether when i use my account with "can edit" permission and activate the Pro plan For professional developers, will our paused project run again or should account permissions "owner" be required?
3 Replies
Percy13mo ago
Project ID: 8f03dd0a-af49-4544-9da6-2ad62a07b83a
pakar3313mo ago
Brody13mo ago
please send an email to billing@railway.app - unfortunately the community can't help you with billing issues