Problems with an action.
Hi, I made a component with filament table, and i'm trying to add a custom action.
The problem is when I click the button, it don't shows the modal with the form, and it doesn't do anything.
11 Replies
Can you share your Blade view?
{{ $this->table }}

As you can see the action is printed ok, but when i click it doesn't do anything
No logs, no debug steps
I don't know what it's happening
I'm not sure if this applies to a table but can you try:
No, that doesn't works.
Mkay... just noticed your action name
Promote to baseline
Try this
No, it fails. I'm going to debug in vendor files to see what is happening. I notice you if I find something.
Are you using unique id? Because it causes the same problem for me. I have changed it to "normal" auto incremental id and it started to work...
Is your action also extending table actions?
I believe Is tour gettablequery, try retrun allá record as a test