Add action buttons to custom page with HasForms

Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the best method to add action buttons, such as "Create" to my custom page. I've been searching through the documentation, but couldn't find any relevant information. I attempted to implement the HasFormActions interface on my Page and added the getCachedFormAction() method. However, I'm unsure how to properly render these buttons in the view. If anyone has any insights or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you!
class Edit extends Page implements HasForms, HasFormActions
use InteractsWithForms;

// ...

public function getCachedFormAction(string $name): ?\Filament\pages\Actions\Action
if ($name === 'submit') {
return \Filament\pages\Actions\Action::make('submit')
return null;
class Edit extends Page implements HasForms, HasFormActions
use InteractsWithForms;

// ...

public function getCachedFormAction(string $name): ?\Filament\pages\Actions\Action
if ($name === 'submit') {
return \Filament\pages\Actions\Action::make('submit')
return null;
and my view :

{{ $this->form }}


{{ $this->form }}

7 Replies
toeknee13mo ago
protected function getActions(): array
return [
'wire:click' => 'submit',
->action(fn () => true)
protected function getActions(): array
return [
'wire:click' => 'submit',
->action(fn () => true)
KiaBoluki13mo ago
Thank you for response, but this code will add a button to the page. I want to add the action button at bottom of the form . I can make it with a
<x-filament::button icon="heroicon-o-upload" type="submit">Save</x-filament::button>
<x-filament::button icon="heroicon-o-upload" type="submit">Save</x-filament::button>
but this button does'nt act like a defult action.
toeknee13mo ago
Ahh so I think you want #drop-in-action ‘s? V3 will have native support for actions everywhere
KiaBoluki13mo ago
I would like to implement a feature similar to the one shown in the image. However, I want to incorporate default action behaviors such as displaying a circular progress indicator with the text "Uploading..." while the form is being saved.
toeknee13mo ago
That's just a file upload field customised slightly?
KiaBoluki13mo ago
Thank you so much! Your hint was really helpful, and I managed to solve it using the following approach:
public function getCachedFormAction(string $name): ?\Filament\pages\Actions\Action
if ($name === 'submit') {
return \Filament\pages\Actions\Action::make('create')
->action(fn () => true )
'wire:click' => 'submit',
public function getCachedFormAction(string $name): ?\Filament\pages\Actions\Action
if ($name === 'submit') {
return \Filament\pages\Actions\Action::make('create')
->action(fn () => true )
'wire:click' => 'submit',
and I added this line to the view
{{ $this->getCachedFormAction('submit') }}
{{ $this->getCachedFormAction('submit') }}
and it works .
toeknee13mo ago