Cannot build project on Railway
I am very new to programming, and this whole scene in general. I have a github repo that I can successfully build in Vercel (without adding any additional scripts). However, the build in Railway always fails. I am trying to understand why this is occurring, and I am hoping to solve this and continue with using Railway.
This is the error from Railway -
Using Nixpacks
context: 7d40e5eab52bcc87ed6c298b344f0a62
Nixpacks build failed
╔═════════ Nixpacks v1.10.0 ════════╗
║ setup │ nodejs-16_x, npm-8_x ║
║ install │ npm ci ║
║ build │ npm run build ║
║ start │ ║
Error: No start command could be found
11 Replies
Project ID:
you need to add a start script to your package.json
what kind of app is this?
It is a website, that has a 3d veiwer
sorry but I have no idea how to do this. do I just add npm start in the beginning of the package.json file?
what command do you run to start the app locally?
npm run dev. Thats what starts the local server.
can you send me your package.json file please