Cannot drop index 'idx': needed in a foreign key constraint

So I had this table with its migration in the database:
export const userProfile = mysqlTable('user_profile', {
id: int("id").primaryKey().autoincrement()
userId: int('user_id'),
profilePicture: text('profile_picture').notNull(),
updatedAt: datetime('updated_at'),
bio: text('bio').notNull(),
age: int('age').notNull(),
}, (userProfile) => ({
userIdIndex: uniqueIndex("user_id_index").on(userProfile.userId)
export const userProfile = mysqlTable('user_profile', {
id: int("id").primaryKey().autoincrement()
userId: int('user_id'),
profilePicture: text('profile_picture').notNull(),
updatedAt: datetime('updated_at'),
bio: text('bio').notNull(),
age: int('age').notNull(),
}, (userProfile) => ({
userIdIndex: uniqueIndex("user_id_index").on(userProfile.userId)
Then modified it to the following: ( dropped id and made the userId the primaryKey )
export const userProfile = mysqlTable('user_profile', {
userId: int('user_id')
.references(() =>,,
profilePicture: text('profile_picture').notNull(),
updatedAt: datetime('updated_at'),
bio: text('bio').notNull(),
age: int('age').notNull(),
export const userProfile = mysqlTable('user_profile', {
userId: int('user_id')
.references(() =>,,
profilePicture: text('profile_picture').notNull(),
updatedAt: datetime('updated_at'),
bio: text('bio').notNull(),
age: int('age').notNull(),
When I'm trying to apply the migration, I get the error: "Cannot drop index 'user_id_idx': needed in a foreign key constraint" How can this type of thing be safely done? And is it a drizzle problem?
1 Reply
SebastianOP2y ago
This was the SQL code that was throwing the error: DROP INDEX user_id_idx ON user_profile;--> statement-breakpoint ALTER TABLE user_profile ADD PRIMARY KEY (user_id);--> statement-breakpoint ALTER TABLE user_profile DROP COLUMN id;--> statement-breakpoint Changing the order of the statements makes the script run successfully ALTER TABLE user_profile DROP COLUMN id;--> statement-breakpoint ALTER TABLE user_profile ADD PRIMARY KEY (user_id);--> statement-breakpoint DROP INDEX user_id_idx ON user_profile;--> statement-breakpoint

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