Drizzle-zod Include Relations

Hello, I was wondering if drizzle-zod includes support for relations, and if so how I can include them. Thanks!
9 Replies
daniel2y ago
So far, I do not think so. I have added them manually myself.
shreddish13mo ago
how were you manually adding them - are you typing out the complete zod definition or using drizzle-zod and appending onto the schema somehow?
volcanicislander12mo ago
I am interested in accomplishing this as well
daniel12mo ago
I have a function which uses drizzle-zod then traverses the drizzle relations and uses zod's merge() function to expand the zod schema.
shreddish12mo ago
Can you share it?
daniel12mo ago
Sure, though need to clean up slightly. I have some OpenAPI DTO annotation mixed in and it was a fiddle to get all going together.
pudgereyem10mo ago
@danielsharvey I'm also looking into doing something similar. Would you mind sharing your approach?
LiamOP10mo ago
I did it like so if anyone needs it for future reference (cc @pudgereyem @shreddish )
const userValidator = createInsertSchema(users);

const userDataValidator = z.object({
data: createInsertSchema(data),

export const insertUserWithDataValidator = userValidator.merge(userDataValidator);
const userValidator = createInsertSchema(users);

const userDataValidator = z.object({
data: createInsertSchema(data),

export const insertUserWithDataValidator = userValidator.merge(userDataValidator);
You can also do it via extent, albeit with some wonky behaviours sometimes if you start adding in omits and what not
const userWithDataValidator = createInsertSchema(users).extend({
data: createInsertSchema(data)
const userWithDataValidator = createInsertSchema(users).extend({
data: createInsertSchema(data)
daniel10mo ago
Sorry for slow reply. My approach is similar to @Liam 's mentioned above, I've just written a generic function that utilises z.object() and createInsertSchema() based upon iterating (recursively) the Drizzle relations structures. I will share the code when I can but been swamped recently.

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