GitHub account not verfied

I'm confused why my account is unable to be verified via Github. It seems like all accounts were flagged as unverfied.
32 Replies
Percy13mo ago
Project ID: f79770ac-cdbb-4e16-8138-21ced7f448e2
bigbostonguy13mo ago
Brody13mo ago
are you able to upgrade to the hobby plan? there are no verification requirements on the hobby plan
bigbostonguy13mo ago
Yes but then I'd be committing myself to the $5/mo pricing? I was hoping to just have a demo - and figure out what to do when the pricing takes into effect August?
Brody13mo ago
how long have you had your railway account for?
bigbostonguy13mo ago
<2 months - maybe a month?
Brody13mo ago
then you would have completed your trial
bigbostonguy13mo ago
ahh kk thought the trial lasted longer
bigbostonguy13mo ago
bigbostonguy13mo ago
so this where I'm confused.
Brody13mo ago
that is the old deprecated trial
bigbostonguy13mo ago
so it's forced upgrade path to hobby plan? i.e what is the purpose of having to have the Github verification UI?
bigbostonguy13mo ago
Brody13mo ago
railway is in the middle of the transition so the flow isnt the best right now, apologies for the inconvenacnce
bigbostonguy13mo ago
Yeah based on the email sent out wasn't the transition supposed to occur in August not July 5th lol? I just subscribed to the hobby plan. Just wish it was communicated better. Thanks!
Brody13mo ago
the hobby plan rolled out july 3rd, people where supposed to have until august 1st to upgrade at their leisure, but due to an unforseen/untestable bug, some people got dropped out of their verification status
devmirza13mo ago
You guys are going to loss a lot of users due to the removal of starter plan
Brody13mo ago
it's actually the opposite but thank you for your feedback
angelo13mo ago
Hey @BigBostonGuy - email pls? You should be allowed to deploy. I am working on a PR thats going to clean this up.
devmirza13mo ago
What u mean by opposite? Didn't get it First heroku stop their free tier now railway does this 😦
angelo13mo ago
Brody... be nice lol
Brody13mo ago
please do not hijack others threads
angelo13mo ago
Its relevant, and I will answer @devmirza It takes too much energy for us to deal with the abuse that infinite credits provides on the platform. We'd just rather offer a great service for $5 than to offer a half-hearted implementation that causes users like Boston to have a bad time. Our users agree, many of them upgraded and they are getting all the benefit. In Boston's case, this is a bug on the verify transition state and a copy issue that shows a evil red screen and a upgrade prompt, which isn't fair to him- so we'll fix it. But I stand by the new plans, name a service that will allow you to deploy, no questions asked, new GH, with CI/CD and hosting all wrapped up into one. DO App Platform isn't even as cheap as us. So I respect your opinion but our users want higher uptime, more features, and availibility that we can't do with a starter plan. And if the service you move to eventually removes their free plan, as they all will- we will be here for you.
devmirza13mo ago
Those who accept the change are rich we are not that's it
angelo13mo ago
I think offering region based pricing is a different concern from wealth. Either or, this is why we made the change.
devmirza13mo ago
Yeah maybe I have so much love for railway as it saves my app when heroku did the thing and this love will still remains, I will try to buy the plan ❤️
angelo13mo ago
Same here for you, my preference is to have a free plan fwiw. Just hard to do now, we will revisit it and try to do better the next go around. We are a small team and have to work with what we got.
manhat13mo ago
please tell me thats planned
manhat13mo ago
this isn't the best price for me lol
manhat13mo ago
alternative bank account, still too high monthly
manhat13mo ago
I hope you'd at least consider a one-time charge instead of a monthly subscription you get some money, people use what they need, no added monthly subscription for users who probably have like 10 other, you prevent abuse everyone happy
JustJake13mo ago
You’re welcome to upgrade or not but we’re not changing this. Closing thread.