Go to other page with params in the url when click an action.
Hi, I make a custom page with a livewire component with a filament table to list projects.
Now I've create a new custom page like a produc view and i want to have the name of the project in the url.
the url of the page that i need is this -> 'tests/{nameOfTheProject}'
How can I do this redirection when the action of the line in the table is clicked or when the name of the project in the table is clicked?
PD: the resource is not a Project Resource, so I can't use default pages of filament, i need to do custom pages because in this resource i'm matching a lot of info of diferent models.
2 Replies
I think this should work:
I do that buit when it calls, I get this error:
Route [filament.pages.project-visual-tests] not defined.
I get it using the resource.