Novu•2y ago

Websocket Service

Hi, Is there any authentication mechanism for web socket ?
9 Replies
Rifki Salim
Rifki Salim•2y ago
Hi, @cyberjunkie Not really sure what your requirements are, but Novu does have HMAC encryption for notification centers https://docs.novu.co/notification-center/react/react-components/#hmac-encryption
React Component | Novu
Novu provides the @novu/notification-center a React library that helps to add a fully functioning notification center to your web application in minutes. Let's do a quick recap on how we can easily use it in your application.
sr-26OP•2y ago
Hi @rifkisalim.dev, actually novu uses websocket service which is hosted at port 3002.Is there any authentication mechanism for websocket service or can anyone access the websocket ?
Novu_Bot•2y ago
@cyberjunkie, you just advanced to level 3!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2y ago
@cyberjunkie Novu uses bearer token for authorization in case of websocket Whenever there is successful connection to websocket with valid subscriberId and applicationId then we generate a bearer token and then send this token with every request
sr-26OP•2y ago
Hii @Pawan Jain so the bearer token is stored on ui ? Where is it stored like on local storage, cookie?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2y ago
It is stored in local storage
sr-26OP•2y ago
thanks @Pawan Jain for clearing this doubt. @Pawan Jain is there any eta for angular notification center issue ?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•2y ago
Ohh, I remember the issue. It has not been picked up by our team yet. I will let you know the status tomorrow after checking with team Always looking for contributions from community 😀
sr-26OP•2y ago
Thanks @Pawan Jain. I'll be happy to contribute in case any angular/node/db stack.

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