[Relational Queries] Nullable one-to-one relationship

Hey y'all. I'm using the relational queries feature and have a one-to-one relationship between these two tables.
export const teamsT = mysqlTable("Teams", {
id: varchar("id", { length: 21 }).primaryKey(),
name: varchar("name", { length: 40 }).notNull(),
joinCode: varchar("joinCode", { length: 8 }).notNull(),

export const projectsT = mysqlTable("Projects", {
id: varchar("id", { length: 21 }).primaryKey(),
teamId: varchar("teamId", { length: 21 }).notNull(),
name: varchar("name", { length: 40 }).notNull(),
description: varchar("description", { length: 255 }).notNull(),
content: text("content").notNull(),
submitted: boolean("submitted").notNull(),
submittedTime: timestamp("submittedTime"),

export const teamsRelations = relations(teamsT, ({ one, many }) => ({
project: one(projectsT, {
fields: [teamsT.id],
references: [projectsT.teamId],

export const projectsRelations = relations(projectsT, ({ one, many }) => ({
team: one(teamsT, {
fields: [projectsT.teamId],
references: [teamsT.id],
export const teamsT = mysqlTable("Teams", {
id: varchar("id", { length: 21 }).primaryKey(),
name: varchar("name", { length: 40 }).notNull(),
joinCode: varchar("joinCode", { length: 8 }).notNull(),

export const projectsT = mysqlTable("Projects", {
id: varchar("id", { length: 21 }).primaryKey(),
teamId: varchar("teamId", { length: 21 }).notNull(),
name: varchar("name", { length: 40 }).notNull(),
description: varchar("description", { length: 255 }).notNull(),
content: text("content").notNull(),
submitted: boolean("submitted").notNull(),
submittedTime: timestamp("submittedTime"),

export const teamsRelations = relations(teamsT, ({ one, many }) => ({
project: one(projectsT, {
fields: [teamsT.id],
references: [projectsT.teamId],

export const projectsRelations = relations(projectsT, ({ one, many }) => ({
team: one(teamsT, {
fields: [projectsT.teamId],
references: [teamsT.id],
I have this query to fetch a user, their team (if they have one) and their team's project (if they have one).
const result = await db.query.registrationsT.findFirst({
where: eq(registrationsT.userId, ctx.user.id),
columns: {
id: true,
with: {
team: {
columns: {
id: true,
name: true,
with: {
project: {
columns: {
id: true,
const result = await db.query.registrationsT.findFirst({
where: eq(registrationsT.userId, ctx.user.id),
columns: {
id: true,
with: {
team: {
columns: {
id: true,
name: true,
with: {
project: {
columns: {
id: true,
This is the return type of that function.
id: number;
team: { id: string; name: string; project: { id: string } } | null;
} | undefined
id: number;
team: { id: string; name: string; project: { id: string } } | null;
} | undefined
The problem is, project could potentially be null if the team does not have a project. I'm not really sure what to do here to tell TS that project can be null. Am I creating the relations correctly or am I doing something wrong? How should I solve this? Thank you in advance for the help and I apologize for the long question.
6 Replies
alexblokh2y ago
cc: @Dan Kochetov
bomber2y ago
hi, I ran into the same thing, is there any way to make a nullable one relationship? here's a smaller example schema:
import { sqliteTable, text } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core"
import { relations } from "drizzle-orm"

export const user = sqliteTable("user", {
id: text("id").primaryKey(),
name: text("name").notNull(),

export const user_settings = sqliteTable("user_settings", {
id: text("id").primaryKey().references(() => user.id),
preferred_color_scheme: text("preferred_color_scheme").notNull(),

export const user_rel = relations(user, ({ one }) => ({
// I want to make this relationship nullable
settings: one(user_settings, {
fields: [user.id],
references: [user_settings.id],

export const user_settings_rel = relations(user_settings, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(user, {
fields: [user_settings.id],
references: [user.id],
import { sqliteTable, text } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core"
import { relations } from "drizzle-orm"

export const user = sqliteTable("user", {
id: text("id").primaryKey(),
name: text("name").notNull(),

export const user_settings = sqliteTable("user_settings", {
id: text("id").primaryKey().references(() => user.id),
preferred_color_scheme: text("preferred_color_scheme").notNull(),

export const user_rel = relations(user, ({ one }) => ({
// I want to make this relationship nullable
settings: one(user_settings, {
fields: [user.id],
references: [user_settings.id],

export const user_settings_rel = relations(user_settings, ({ one }) => ({
user: one(user, {
fields: [user_settings.id],
references: [user.id],
I'm trying to be able to query like this:
const users = db.query.user.findMany({
with: {
settings: true,
const users = db.query.user.findMany({
with: {
settings: true,
and get typeof users:
// ...
settings: { id: string; preferred_color_scheme: string } | undefined;
// ...
settings: { id: string; preferred_color_scheme: string } | undefined;
instead of:
// ...
settings: { id: string; preferred_color_scheme: string };
// ...
settings: { id: string; preferred_color_scheme: string };
my actual use case is an organization table (the user in the example) that can optionally have a config per country, so there are other tables like argentina_organization and colombia_organization with fks to organization
Dan2y ago
you should only provide fields and references on the side that "knows" about both sides of the relation - i.e. in your case, on the users_settings side. The one on the users side should be just settings: one(user_settings). I think in that case it'll be recognized as nullable. cc: @sexnine
kane2y ago
woah thanks it helped
Louistiti2y ago
I think you should explain this in the docs...
Dan2y ago
yep, we have it on the task list

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