It's Dangerous to go Alone, take this Forest Guide!

Okay, this is NOT the in-depth Forest guide that I promised (sorry!) but since I've just seen way too many people asking what deck they should be using in forest, I decided that I should just post this now and save myself the trouble of constantly typing the same thing over and over again. Here are my recommended Generic decks for Forest. Why Generic? Because some bosses require specific strategy and those will be included in the more in-depth forest guide that is still work in progress. These Generic decks should be able to handle most situations in the forest. 1. Hermy Double Crucio 2. Snape's Slaps 2: Electric Boogaloo
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14 Replies
Hermy Double Crucio Your aim is to quickly cycle cards then play Crucio twice (not neccesarily in quick succession). You can choose to carefully try and apply discount to both Crucio and Prior Copied Crucio, but it is not mandatory. It's also okay to just use Incendio instead of Prior Incantanto Crucio. This deck is a highly efficient boss killer, very good at killing singular enemies. In situations where you need more aoe, replace stupefy with Whizbang or Confringo or Sectum Sempra. But what if I don't have Crucio? Then use Whizbang or Aquamenti. ------------ Snape's Slap 2: Electric Boogaloo I would like to remind everyone that Snape without kevin or time turner is highly sub-optimal. Please use them in every deck that involves the snape echo. If you have Crucio, replace either Venom or Incendio (depending on if youre fighting grounded or airborne unit). IMPORTANT NOTE: Kevin's normal attack buff does not persist beyond the current encounter. As in, you play Kevin in Encounter 1, get the buff, then the fight ends, your normal attack damage returns to normal at Encounter 2. Just make sure that you can manage to bring out Kevin during boss encounters and you should be fine. Building alongside your Forest Buff Inside forest, you can choose buffs for specific cards. I originally wanted to write a more in-depth guide to buff choices, but for now, just know that you should avoid buffs for creature cards, and buffs for 'higher damage the further away you are'. If you took all the Aquamenti buffs, it hits super hard and can rival Crucio damage. Crucio buff is always good, pick it if you have the card and if you find the buff. Confringo buff is surprisingly decent (especially for Deathly Dell), you can pick this if the other choices are bad. Episkey buff is ehhh, not amazing, but its not horrible. Oppugno buff is also ehhh, half of the function of the buffs aren't important (like Oppugno range covering entire field)
Why Ivy? She can be used to vanish certain pesky enemies, like big Matagot (before they split), the white chess piece in the Deathly Dell boss fight, etc. If you don't like using Ivy, you can try Cassandra. However, Ivy is mandatory in Deathly Dell, just keep that in mind.
Kenbelle2y ago
You shouldn't build creatures, unless it's Fiendfyre. Fiendfyre is the best dps for bosses actually if you are experienced enough to keep it alive and got the Summon Up buff. Also, sharpshooter buff "damage further away you are" is actually very good with Aguamenti and crowd control. I've cleared plenty of DD 6-7 with a protect the fiendfyre comp. You still need spells for mob stages, but overall Fiendfyre will melt bosses faster than Crucio or aguamenti. I also wouldn't recommend going Snape timer turner build for higher DD level. It's damage relies on basic attacks, and for higher DD, getting close = death.
Would you like to offer a second option that could replace Snape but isn't Hermy (already mentioned, and is reliant on Crucio, which many newbies don't have), or Sirius (not in global)?
Kenbelle2y ago
Snape is technically the path with the most dps on paper. In practice, it's not as viable because you need to get so close that you risk dying. I can say Hermy is most universal and I agree with you on that. For a Snape replacement that's beginner friendly and easy to pilot, there isn't one right now for Global. I can only say that Fiendfyre build with Hagrid is very potent for bosses. My build is Fiendfyre, Episkey/Dittany, Swelling Potion, Side Along Apparition, Protego, Nebulus, Spiders, Stupefy/Inflatus. For companions Ivy, Cassandra, Hagrid But i typically recommend 1 person going fiendfyre and the other 2 going spells with Aguamenti/Thunderstorm. Fiendfyre is expensive and thus requires other teammates to work with it. The strategy is to have one person with Summon Up1 buff pilot the fiendfyre and the others cc/dps the boss from afar. You then use protego to protect fiendfyre from 1 hit kill, and side along to reposition, useful for the final boss. The team can basically just stand in one place and melts the boss from afar.
Yeah, hope they add Sirius soon
Kenbelle2y ago
Yes Sirius is gonna be even better than Hagrid for the FIendfyre build
Oh hey someone beat me to the punch! That's great. Ive almost given up on writing the forest guide.... Good job kang
🔱 Frimirno
🔱 Frimirno2y ago
I like building snape around sectumsempra, time turner and auto atk boosts. I need to get close but when you and your team are used to play together it's not a problem I tend to die more often though, but I take the hits instead of them We did a complete desthly3 run with full life once, it was kinda fun using all fights between bosses to heal ourselves I was impressed by the strengh of the boosted whomping willow (upgraded 'cause I had only useless cards, tried it and it's actually pretty good)
Event Horizon
Event Horizon2y ago
Still none for solo 36 is there?

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