Railway13mo ago

MySQL huge RAM usage in 3 days

Hi, I have a question about usage. Until now, I've had two projects with one service each: - A PostgreSQL DB with a single table and little usage. - A JS Discord Bot that is always up and also has little interaction. The usage had a cost ~$2.70 per month. Last week I added a project with two services: A FastAPI app and a MySQL DB. The DB also has a single table and little usage. In the first three days of July, I see in https://railway.app/account/usage that the MySQL DB is using a lot of RAM, compared with the RAM usage of the PostgreSQL DB. Also, I can't currently see the PostgreSQL service in the usage page, as if it hasn't used anything of CPU or RAM. My questions are: Is the usage of the MySQL service correct? (If it is, maybe the problem is MySQL itself? I'll change it to a PostgreSQL DB and see). Or maybe the FastAPI app connected to MySQL is eating the RAM? And also: Why does my project with the PostgreSQL service not appear in usage now? The difference in usage of those services confuses me. (See the image) I'm pretty happy with my experience with Railway and I'd like to stay with you. Thanks for your help.
I've seen mysql use 500mb straight after creating a fresh database, so that's normal, mysql does use far more ram than postgres, so if you are contemplating on switching to postgres I definitely recommend it, as for the missing usage, I'm sorry I have no clue
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5 Replies
Percy13mo ago
Project ID: 01d5ac42-9335-4511-a56c-6c7fd21edaea
xavimat13mo ago
Brody13mo ago
I've seen mysql use 500mb straight after creating a fresh database, so that's normal, mysql does use far more ram than postgres, so if you are contemplating on switching to postgres I definitely recommend it, as for the missing usage, I'm sorry I have no clue
xavimat13mo ago
Thanks, Brody. That's it, 500mb just for being there. I'll switch to Postgres then.
Brody13mo ago
happy to help!