Displaying filters above or below the table content

I cant get to work this. In my CenterResource.php i add the methos:
protected function getTableFiltersLayout(): ?string
return Layout::BelowContent;
protected function getTableFiltersLayout(): ?string
return Layout::BelowContent;
i also added:
use Filament\Tables\Filters\Layout;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\Layout;
` But the method is not being called. It shows in PHPStorm as unused element. From where do i have to call the method please?
4 Replies
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Seseβ€’13mo ago
It goes in ListCenters
Falk Maria Zeitsprung
Falk Maria Zeitsprungβ€’13mo ago
Could you show me please a short code example @kennethsese , would be great! πŸ™
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Seseβ€’13mo ago
When you created your Center resource it created other files like CreateCenter, EditCenter, and ListCenters. Put it that method in ListCenters.
Falk Maria Zeitsprung
Falk Maria Zeitsprungβ€’13mo ago
it works! Thanks very much @kennethsese πŸ‘