Railway•13mo ago

416 error in LinkedIn Post Inspector

Hello, When my site (https://scribr.me) which is hosted on your servers, is reviewed by the LinkedIn Post Inspector (https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/) it returns a 416 Http response. I believe this may be due to how you have setup your servers to handle range requests. Is there anything you can do to look into this? Or advise me how I should best manage this if this is completely out of your control?
Scribr - Your all-in-one tool for AI-powered transcription and tran...
Scribr supports real-time, high-accuracy transcriptions and translations in over 50 languages. Ideal for meetings, interviews, podcasts, language studies, and more.
Post Inspector
Get insights into how your content shows up on LinkedIn with Post Inspector.
Hello, When my site (https://scribr.me) which is hosted on your servers, is reviewed by the LinkedIn Post Inspector (https://www.linkedin.com/post-inspector/) it returns a 416 Http response. I believe this may be due to how you have setup your servers to handle range requests. Is there anything you can do to look into this? Or advise me how I should best manage this if this is completely out of your control?...
Scribr - Your all-in-one tool for AI-powered transcription and tran...
Scribr supports real-time, high-accuracy transcriptions and translations in over 50 languages. Ideal for meetings, interviews, podcasts, language studies, and more.
Post Inspector
Get insights into how your content shows up on LinkedIn with Post Inspector.
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25 Replies
Percy•13mo ago
Project ID: 7160cca6-80d3-4d76-a0c9-ebc86b66dd4e
chihuahua•13mo ago
Brody•13mo ago
at first glance this seems like a code issue or even a misconfiguration with your custom domain
chihuahua•13mo ago
The react frontend is hosted on railway with the domain provided by namecheap. If it were a code issue, where would you customise how range requests are handled in the react front end? If it's a misconfiguration with the namecheap domain hosting, what should be changed to fix this?
Brody•13mo ago
what's your start script for your react app
chihuahua•13mo ago
"build": "tsc && vite build --mode=production"
Brody•13mo ago
what is your start script
chihuahua•13mo ago
Actually, sorry it runs this one "start": "vite preview --host"
Brody•13mo ago
there we go, the true issue please follow this guide, expect serve build ... will become serve dist ... https://help.railway.app/project-help/f9v3gkPQRy4UShk5SnoPDH/getting-your-create-react-app-running-on-railway/qHRsgxa5n57xLp1yVgk9fP
chihuahua•13mo ago
Not sure if you've correctly identified the issue. The application runs perfectly on railway. There's no issues there. The real issue is how range requests are being handled by the server which results in the 416 error code: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/416
416 Range Not Satisfiable - HTTP | MDN
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 416 Range Not Satisfiable error response code indicates that a server cannot serve the requested ranges. The most likely reason is that the document doesn't contain such ranges, or that the Range header value, though syntactically correct, doesn't make sense.
Brody•13mo ago
please follow the guide how did it go?
chihuahua•13mo ago
Still working through the deployment. Now getting 404 errors which I'm working through
Brody•13mo ago
what's your current start command
chihuahua•13mo ago
serve build -s -n -L -p $PORT
Brody•13mo ago
please review what I have said in this message
chihuahua•13mo ago
OK. That's not in the guide you sent me. I'll try changing the start command to serve dist -s -n -L -p $PORT
Brody•13mo ago
yes I know, there is a issue with the guide where the note about vite is hidden, that is why I made that remark in the message before sending the link
chihuahua•13mo ago
Thank you @Brody, now is working as intended:
Brody•13mo ago
see, not issue with railway 🙂 you just gotta trust the process
chihuahua•13mo ago
I trusted! Tried back and forth with contact@railway.app for a week and they couldn't help me. @Brody is the MVP
Brody•13mo ago
ha they should have sent you to the discord
chihuahua•13mo ago
They did after 9 days!
Brody•13mo ago
9 days, ouch and what? 30 minutes after opening a thread to solved lol
chihuahua•13mo ago
Haha yeah. 9 days isn't so bad. At least it's sorted now! Thanks again!
Brody•13mo ago
no problem!