here is my calculations for all students

I am paying 6-7$ before after 5$ discount i pay 1-2 $ so now railway don't have 5$ discount i calculate my cpu and memory usage plus storage that i use and i found that digital ocean 4$ droplet is good for me so do calculation your usage and check which is best for you
8 Replies
Percy13mo ago
Project ID: N/A
kanhaiya lal bohra
na found vultr 2.50 plan also work for me
Jack13mo ago
Just understand that although it may be cheaper, ensure your application can run smoothly because Railway only charges per usage, so if resources aren’t adequate enough to support usage and running than you’ll experience downgraded service or performance. Ex. If your service runs functions or computes frequently, it’ll use more memory and CPU than a static site, and it’ll use as much resources as it can throttled to its capabilities, so it’ll go slower having 2gb of ram compared to 8gb of ram. Even so, it would use the ram longer to compute the function as compared to the 8gb speed.
kanhaiya lal bohra
i have hosted telegram and discord bot so maybe they dont need that much resources right with 2k users i am using .01 cpu and 80 mb ram so i dont want to pay 5$ for this
Jack13mo ago
Don’t understand how that’d add up to an accumulation of $6-7 but whatever works for you.
kanhaiya lal bohra
i am paying 6-7$ when im using nothing so if i use resource that is provided by digital ocean 4$ droplet how much i have to pay?
Jack13mo ago
You accumulate $6-7 worth of charges without any containers?
Adam13mo ago
I’m not sure what your question is. If you’re accumulating 7$ of usage on Railway and you’re not on the verified hobby plan, you’ll have to pay 7$ + 5$ per month plus storage on another service, though Railway does provide storage