Modelling self relations

I have a table categories with a parent fields:
id: text("id").notNull().primaryKey(),
parent: text("parent").references((): AnySQLiteColumn =>
id: text("id").notNull().primaryKey(),
parent: text("parent").references((): AnySQLiteColumn =>
Here one category can have one parent category. But, one category can have many subcategories. I have defined my relations:
export const categoryProductsRelation = relations(categories, ({ many, one })=>({
subcategories: many(categories, { relationName: "subcategories" })

export const parentCategoryRelation = relations(categories, ({ many, one })=>({
parent: one(categories, {
fields: [categories.parent],
references: []
export const categoryProductsRelation = relations(categories, ({ many, one })=>({
subcategories: many(categories, { relationName: "subcategories" })

export const parentCategoryRelation = relations(categories, ({ many, one })=>({
parent: one(categories, {
fields: [categories.parent],
references: []
But I am getting this error:
There is not enough information to infer relation \"categories.subcategories\"
There is not enough information to infer relation \"categories.subcategories\"
sps322d ago
I want to retrieve a category along with its parent and sub-categories. Got it relationName is what I needed, it's not documented though
export const categoryProductsRelation = relations(categories, ({ many, one })=>({
productsOnCategory: many(products),
subcategories: many(categories, {relationName: "subcategories"}),
parentCategory: one(categories, {
fields: [categories.parent],
references: [],
relationName: "subcategories"
export const categoryProductsRelation = relations(categories, ({ many, one })=>({
productsOnCategory: many(products),
subcategories: many(categories, {relationName: "subcategories"}),
parentCategory: one(categories, {
fields: [categories.parent],
references: [],
relationName: "subcategories"
ReactPoriyaalar191d ago
This should be documented
Angelelz191d ago
What do you think it's missing from the docs for this? Or what could be explained better?
Drizzle Queries - DrizzleORM
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind
ReactPoriyaalar191d ago
Unlike prisma docs , self relations are not documented I stand corrected. Just relaized what you shared is actually a self relation of users against users. May be the use case of having one to many self relations could be explained with an example . In general a dedicated section for self relations would clarify this ambiguity
Angelelz191d ago
We do have an open issue to add a "Recipes" section to the docs. We'll add examples there
Angelelz191d ago
Please add any idea you might have for examples to add to that
Add "Recipes" section to docs · Issue #235 · drizzle-team/drizzle-o...
Conditinally add query parts (join, limit, order by etc.) Conditional field selection Dynamic field selection (user-provided fields) Table self-reference Tables circular reference Using subqueries ...
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