Nice try?
Trying to setup a webhook to my server (it has no domain) i got this error i dont even know what i tried lol
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I don't know what to do with this information either
tried to set the webhook with the ip:port/endpoint of my server
why ip and port??
and why doesn't it have a domain??
Because setting up nginx to use a domain name instead of the server ip its a pain in the ass and i don't know any easier way to do it
nginx just needs to listen on
that's a pretty easy way lol
could a cname with cloudflare work?
do railway webhooks require HTTPS?
I'd sure hope they would
but let's start over, what are you trying to do with nginx
Okay from the beginning, i created a project on railway, tried to setup a webhook to my server which can notify me over whatsapp when something happens to the deployment its a regular express server which returns a 200 status when recieved the webhook post
okay and what's this have to do with nginx
hmm nothing? the issue is that i get that error when trying to setup the webhook
show me what you are putting into the webhook field
won't send my server ip publicly for obvious reasons but i think you'll get it
put your domain in there??
I'd like to know what makes you think that would work lol
bruh then generate one
The server that recieves the webhook it's not on railway
i cant just click generate domain
that would have been useful information to know
but I guess that's actually good because it would break railways tos
well when i mentioned the ip of the server i hoped you would know its not on railway
nah I've seen lots of people grab the IP for the railway service and use that when they shouldn't
lol okay
So, its the ip from my vps
its an express server which uses some trickery to notify me on whatsapp of any change
posting from postman works so its not my server the issue
i can't just host it on railway and generate the domain because as you can imagine its a mirrorbot and its against TOS
I very much appreciate that, I don't enjoy telling people their service breaks tos
as for the webhook thingy not accepting ips, well it looks like you'd have to get a domain
Okay i'll try to setup the domain 😦