pattern attribute not working in Chrome and Edge but works fine in Firefox
I have this input
<input id="email" type="email" name="email" placeholder="[email protected]" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}">
I can write "email@t" in the input and still submit the form while using Chrome or Edge. But when i use firefox the pattern works just fine so the input is invalid if i just write "email@t"25 Replies
Make it in javascript
Here's what i made a long time ago, there's probably better ways of doing this but yeah you can get an idea on how to do it
Thanks, yeah i guess i will use this solution for now. but i am still curious why the pattern only works in firefox hmm...
A quick test in Chrome and it's not letting me submit. Is there something else in your code that could be removing the validation somehow?

Hmm strange. Nope, it's not
even if i just do
It wont work. Even if this is all i have.
Maybe it's because i am trying it on codepen. That is the only thing i can think of...
Add a
to the button
I used a submit-type input on CodepenIt still does not seem to work for me
Interesting…I'm getting the same behaviour.
<input type="submit">
works fine, why isn't a submit-type button working?And :invalid shows it's also not invalid if i write email@t

C'mon, Chrome, y u do dis?
it works for you if you use input instead of button?
Hmm even that is not working for me xD
But yeah i use edge
Maybe i should try with input on chrome, see if that works
Hmm the form is still being submit in chrome even when i use input
On Chromium both submit-type input and sumbit-type button don't let me submit when the email doesn't match the pattern

Oh hmm
I don't have the chromium browser. But yeah this is really strange
Yet one more reason why they say to validate on both front- and back-end :p
Yeah hahaha
Thats really great to keep in mind since i also write back-end sometimes
Don't do that, if you do it like this autofill tools (like password managers) can't guess what to put in the field
The issue might come from using a
and a type=email
. Maybe try to remove the pattern if all you do is checking for a valid email addressWell if i remove the pattern it wont be checking if the email is valid
will cause it to validate the input as an address.yes but if i just do type="email" i can write just "email@d" which is not a valid email
It is possible for a top-level domain to have a MX (mail exchanger) record associated with it, meaning
could be a valid address.
I guess it is true that there are currently no single letter top-level domains, but there's nothing preventing the creation of one, so email@d
could be a valid address at some point.Oh okay
And if you want to make sure the user entered the correct address you can always send a verification email with a magic link once the form is submitted
(and your regex would have matched mails that are not valid too
[email protected]
isn't valid because -.tld
is not a valid domain name, and I don't think [email protected]
would be valid either