Using the Relation Manager inside a Form Tab
I created a resource with the Relation Manger configured and it works fine on the record's edit page. But I'm going to customize the edit form to use TAB and I need to place the Relation Manager listing inside a specific TAB. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
6 Replies
There is not
please search here and on github, i describe the reason quite a few times
@Dan Harrin I looked before for Relation Manager Tab and there was only one post about count. Is it possible for you to send me the post where you explain this? Thanks
@Dan Harrin using hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithForm already solves for me. It was fine like that. Only one question is it possible to change the Edit label of tab 1?
yeah i think there is some method that you can override to do that
Okay, I'll look here. Thanks