Github and Railway: How can I setup/link my github environment to my different deployments?

Github and Railway: How can I setup/link my github environment to my different deployments? I'm using Github CI to trigger deployment as shown here ( For example on Github, I have 3 environments (develop/QA/production). The idea here is to only have a single branch (develop) which is going to trigger builds via merging and pushing while the QA and production is going trigger builds with release tags. I'm not sure railways is equipped for that, though I know we can create multiple environment on railway. Can it handle this? Also how can I automatically get the deployment URL and also get deployment URL for my PR builds? I want the URLs to reflect on Github under environment, I can setup an other enviroment for PR build links or better still it should have the short sha as subdomain.
Railway Blog
Using Github Actions with Railway
Github Actions come with a pretty neat set of features to automate your workflows. In this post, we talk about using Github Actions to automate your deployments on Railway.
3 Replies
Percy13mo ago
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Percy13mo ago
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Faruq Alli-Balogun