19 Replies
trying to rewrite this function to use drizzle orm
learn-anything/db/src/seed.ts at main · learn-anything/learn-anything
Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths - learn-anything/db/src/seed.ts at main · learn-anything/learn-anything
used raw turso queries before with sql
https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/crud read this
Quering with SQL-like syntax [CRUD] – DrizzleORM
Drizzle ORM | %s
but i don't get why this complains
topic is a string
isn't text a string
error is hard to understand
or wait you don't do where like this fk
i wonder is there a tool that turns sql into drizzle
probably hard to make
thought multiple where would work like this, why does eq say it accept 1 arg
makes no sense
trying to find doc on how .where are chained
ok this should be it
this makes no sense though
like every doc example mentions .execute
but for me it complains
maybe its sqlite related
you cant do execute on sqlite