Railway•13mo ago

Resources management?

Hello, I'm new to Railway. I currently have the Developer Plan. I was wondering if there is a way to manage the resources available to a single project/instance, I would like to upload multiple different projects in my account and there are projects that might need more vCPU than the others or RAM. My current plan says: "8 GB of RAM, 8 vCPU, and 100 GB of Shared Disk" Are those equally shared between all services? is there a way to configure something like percentages to each project or something like that? I want to know if there is currently any way to configure the available resources, thank you.
19 Replies
Percy•13mo ago
Project ID: N/A
LaCrak27•13mo ago
nope, its 8 gigs and 8cpu per project :)
h3lltronik•13mo ago
Oh very nice!
LaCrak27•13mo ago
:) as for configuring the resources, thats something i dont know, maybe we should wait for a conductor
h3lltronik•13mo ago
Thank you, really, now I was wondering, how about the pricing? In the same scenario, I have a project more resource consuming than the other, both of them will run instances with 8cpu and 8 gigs? wouldn't that be costly? or it scale up automatically? how about that?
LaCrak27•13mo ago
you only pay for what you use so if you have 8 gigs but use 100 megs you only pay for 100 megs its very nice tbh
h3lltronik•13mo ago
Thank yoouuu
LaCrak27•13mo ago
np my dude :)
h3lltronik•13mo ago
I'm guessing that if I spin up a Node app it will only be using 1 vCPU per instance since it's single threaded so if I wanted I could scale it up to 8 instances in the same project, right?, that's kind of the way my thoughts are getting, it is something like that? 🥹
LaCrak27•13mo ago
no, i think you can have replicas, but i dont know how those work
h3lltronik•13mo ago
All right then, thank you very much for all 🥹
LaCrak27•13mo ago
np man, glad i was able to help
Brody•13mo ago
fun fact you can actually use 0.0 vCPU, if you write efficient code, don't do heavy computational tasks and don't have much traffic (if it's a web app) your costs can be very cheap
LaCrak27•13mo ago
yeah, all my stuff uses 0.0
LaCrak27•13mo ago
Brody•13mo ago
87 cents, that's expensive
LaCrak27•13mo ago
ram and yes i know go would use like 5 megs :)
h3lltronik•13mo ago
If I ever need some heave computational task, is it recommended to go for a lamda instead? or railway is already cheap enough?
Brody•13mo ago
if your background resource usage is low, and you do a few quick computationally heavy tasks a day, your average usage will still be low, so low costs too, but of course do your own cost analysis