many-many with

Hi. I have a schema with users, roles and user_to_roles tables. I also have a usersRelations object, created with:
export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one, many }) => ({
usersToRoles: many(usersToRoles),
export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one, many }) => ({
usersToRoles: many(usersToRoles),
Is there a way to use with in a relational query to get back a user object (or an array of user objects) with a roles property containing an array of all roles for the user?
1 Reply
groovebucketOP2y ago
I know that I can do:
.leftJoin(usersToRoles, eq(usersToRoles.userId,
.leftJoin(roles, eq(, usersToRoles.roleId))
.where(eq(users.username, "admin"));
.leftJoin(usersToRoles, eq(usersToRoles.userId,
.leftJoin(roles, eq(, usersToRoles.roleId))
.where(eq(users.username, "admin"));
and massage the result into what I want. But, I'm wondering whether there might be a way to get there using relational queries.

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