❔ Best way to learn C#?
can someone suggest me a way to learn C# without missing anything and get into game development?
46 Replies
game development is generally very advanced. How much programming experience do you have?
i can code in python / lua / html
Well, it is always best to start with the basics. C# is a strongly typed, compiled language unlike python or lua.
the $helloworld tutorials are a good place to start learning basic C# syntax
Written interactive course https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/tour-of-csharp/tutorials/
Videos https://dotnet.microsoft.com/learn/videos
i know the syntax (watched a 7 hour tutorial)
Watching a 7h tutorial is not enough, speaking from experience ![when](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/968512924698169415.png)
you can't become an expert at the language from one 7 hour video. you need experience
yea i know
thats why i need help
on advancing my skill
Start with the basics. Make a console game for example - make a hangman game
Then try do battleships
Just a thought
how would i use a gui in the console?
I agree that if you code some console games that is a great way to start learning. if you need examples I can link a github repo with examples of console games to help you out
You don't. Everything would be text based
GUI development is difficult. You have to take care of many more things
if you do give that github repo a look and have questions feel free to @ me
Start simple and work your way up
Or go yolo and buy a Udemy course for Unity game development
But I suggest learning c# first
Are you using Visual Studio?
And making sure you're got the fundamentals of programming down.
Not visual studio code, right?
good man. visual studio is much easier than visual studio code for beginners
i use code for other languages but for c# visual studio
Great choice
just curious, did you pick a game you want to try to code yet?
ill go 1 by 1 from the list so guess the number rn
awesome 🙂 good luck!
gotta wait for this to
then i could make
also could you give me some tutorials on advance C# (like including and stuff)
I've been tinkering with C# for a month (probably a little more), and i'm currently developing a chat application with ASP NET (a web framework for C#) for my API, and React for the frontend. Start getting your hands dirty on something, like a basic hello world, then google some projects you could build to level up, just for the sake of learning the language :).
Currently i'm having a heartstroke with EF Core (an ORM) ahah
wth is that 😭
whats the difference
it's basically a tool that makes it easier to interact with databases, mapping database entities (such as tables in a relational db) to C# objects. Unless you want to play with databases, you won't have to worry about it
Visual Studio is a fully featured IDE while Visual Studio Code is more of a text editor in comparison. Visual Studio Code doesn't have integrated Winforms/WPF designers, it doesn't have integrated unit test explorers, it doesn't have as advanced of debugging features, etc. etc. etc.
There are some extensions that do help out coding C# with Visual Studio Code, but overall it is still no where close to Visual Studio's feature set
and as mentioned, Visual Studio Code is not really beginner friendly for multiple reasons
oh ic
and do ppl use c++?
C++ is a very popular programming language. So yes people certainly use it.
Can you be a little more specific in what you are asking?
do people help wiht c++ in this server?
is this visual studio or visual studio code ?
C# and C++ are completely different programming languages. We tend to keep conversations to C# on this server, but there is another server for C/C++
We're partnered with Together C & C++, check them out here: https://discord.gg/vnyVmAE
oh thanks
that is Visual Studio
ic thanks
Someone here has a whole bunch of repos dedicated to console games.
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