Wrapping login page with <x-layout>

What is the correct/best way to wrap the default login page with my <x-layout>? <x-layout> wraps all my pages with <HTML> <HEAD> <BODY> and <MAIN> and has <x-navbar /> and a <x-footer /> components, which I need to add to the login page. I tried publishing the views and then just wrapping the <form> component inside login.blade.php with <x-layout> but obviously it didn't work. Thank you for any help!
4 Replies
Patrick Boivin
filament/packages/admin/config/filament.php at 2.x · filamentphp/fi...
Admin panel, form builder and table builder for Laravel. Built with the TALL stack. Designed for humans. - filament/packages/admin/config/filament.php at 2.x · filamentphp/filament
[uS] Sira
[uS] SiraOP2y ago
I'd like to keep the login page as it is and with its functionalities since I like the way it has been made, but with the layout around it. I don't know how to do it though.
Patrick Boivin
The layout is set from inside the Login component. If you extend the class in your project, you can modify the layout and keep everything else the same.
Patrick Boivin
filament/packages/admin/src/Http/Livewire/Auth/Login.php at 2.x · f...
Admin panel, form builder and table builder for Laravel. Built with the TALL stack. Designed for humans. - filament/packages/admin/src/Http/Livewire/Auth/Login.php at 2.x · filamentphp/filament

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