Which icon fits better?

Hi, quick question for you guys. I'm trying to decide which of these two icons fits better with the text "Full Stack Developer"? Obviously the code icon clearly relays what it means to anyone who may not be fully aware (recruiters, etc). On the other hand a full stack developer has other areas of expertise, so the other icon I kinda like it more in that way, but not visually... So, which would you choose? I'm also open to other suggestions if you have any. Thanks!
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7 Replies
Joao•13mo ago
Also, in English, is it correct to write Full-Stack? Or is it better without the hyphen?
vince•13mo ago
I dont know what the first icon is supposed to represent so I think the second one is better. Not sure about the hyphen though
Kashimoto•13mo ago
i asked a friend that studies Graphic Design. he says that the lower one can be mixed up with arrows, so it depends on what the icons are for (ore more for who sees them). but the lower one is more clean and looks better
vince•13mo ago
Yea maybe you can do the </> thing that's pretty universal for code
Joao•13mo ago
Yeah, that's what I was thinking I can probably find that icon as well Ok, I'm convinced thanks a ton guys! And thank your friend for me Kashimoto 😄 The name of that icon is "view-tile" btw ... so yeah it's not very related but I was looking for something more "abstract" but I guess it didn't work out exactly. Thanks again
vince•13mo ago
If you use figma there's a plug-in called iconify and it's pretty extensive. From figma you can export as svg
Joao•13mo ago
Oh I need to check that then, thanks!