Transforming const to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet

Below is my schema file. import { InferModel } from 'drizzle-orm' import { mysqlTable, serial, text, timestamp } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql-core' export const profiles = mysqlTable('profiles', { id: serial('id').primaryKey(), firstName: text('name').notNull(), middleName: text('name'), lastName: text('name').notNull(), email: text('email').notNull(), mobileNumber: text('mobile_number').notNull(), dateOfBirth: timestamp('date_of_birth').notNull(), idType: text('id_type').notNull(), idNumber: text('id_number').notNull(), idExpiryDate: timestamp('id_expiry_date').notNull(), idIssuedState: text('id_issued_state').notNull(), streetAddress: text('street_address').notNull(), suburb: text('suburb').notNull(), postcode: text('postcode').notNull(), state: text('state').notNull(), bsb: text('bsb').notNull(), accountNumber: text('account_number').notNull(), payIdType: text('pay_id_type').notNull(), payId: text('pay_id').notNull(), modiefiedAt: timestamp('modified_at').notNull().onUpdateNow(), createdAt: timestamp('created_at').notNull().defaultNow(), }) export type TDrizzleProfile = InferModel<typeof profiles, 'select'> When i try to drizzle-kit generate:mysql i get the below error when reading the schema.ts errors: [ { detail: undefined, id: '', location: [Object], notes: [], pluginName: '', text: 'Transforming const to the configured target environment ("es5") is not supported yet' } ], warnings: [] Any help is appreciated.
1 Reply
BattleOP2y ago
I was able to fix this by changing tsconfig.json compilerOption from "target": "es5" to '"target": "esnext"

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