App.js and FullCalendar returning 302
I get this issue sporadically and I don't know what causes it. If you see the attached screenshots, my scripts are returning a 302. I have had this happen locally a bunch but I just ignored it. Now it's happened in staging and I'm worried it will affect production when that starts up. The page is completely blank when this happens. I have to manually delete all cookies and then it works again (takes me back to login page - scripts return 200). But standard users won't know what to do when they see a completely blank page. Any ideas about what this could be? And why it only happens some of the time? Thanks!

16 Replies
Where are they redirecting? Maybe
vs http
?I'm not sure. I've already cleared the cookies so it's 'fixed' now and I can't see those details
I should have checked...
But this happens locally as well, which is all http
At first I thought it might be an issue with the FullCalendar plugin
But then I saw the app.js was also returning a 302
@Dennis Koch It happened again.
and filament-fullcalendar-scripts.js
returning 302s. Do you have a minute to help? I don't even know what I should be looking for here
What's weird is that livewire.js
is working fine
When I visit the full URL of the livewire asset, it loads as expected
but it won't load for
loads right now using a different browser
Same exact URL, but one returns a redirectWhere is your t redirecting to?
Ok I think what I've figured out is that it has something to do with an authentication issue. When I try and visit an admin page and I'm not logged in, I get a
302 Found
for the entire page returned. But when this issue happens I get a 302
for the specific asset I'm trying to load
My t?Sorry, where is it redirecting you 😅
To login I assume?
No.. that's what weird
The location header is
But the page itself loads with a 200
*the location header from the 302 for the app.js
Do you use some custom middleware?
Yes I do. The location header is actually
. I use the multi context plugin and so it's redirecting to the base context URL
But why would it return as unauthenticated for an asset but not the page itself?Why do you think it’s unauthenticated?
Maybe this is related to vapor?
Admittedly it's a guess, but I think that because when I clear cookies it gets fixed
It happens locally too
Hm. I’d say get your hands dirty and step through the request with a debugger
Can you point me in the right direction? I've never done that before
Hard to explain and probably not the easiest task for your first time, sorry.
Alright thanks. Appreciate the guidance. I'll keep looking into it
Posting this here for anyone who might find it helpful in the future. This was a custom middleware issue and that's what was causing the redirects
Thank you @Dennis Koch for the help!
Which one was it?
It was a middleware that I added myself to the
config file