Filament beginners question

Hello! I have a question we are building a dashboard for our minecraft server. We are also building a custom plugin. now the question is if it is possible to connect our action with the buttons in the dashboard so we can kick players. and make a list like the online players with the variables that we have. Is it difficult or is it possible?
3 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Hi @shades._, it's possible to consume external APIs with Filament. This article gives a really good overview :
How to consume an external API with Filament Tables by Leandro C. F...
Filament is a collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack apps, designed for humans.
Patrick Boivin
For "kicking" players, etc., you'll have to check if it's possible with the Minecraft API.
Quin.OP2y ago
Thank you i will have a look in to it!

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