Just was looking for a quick critique on this landing page layout...
UI/UX are not my strong point. I just threw this together in Figma and then coded it up in React. Was just hoping for any thoughts, advice, etc.
Not for anything real, just playing around.
I wanted to main logo to look like it is being illuminated from the dark... if that makes sense... but is the contrast with the dark background enough?
Thanks! 🙂

6 Replies
You might want to check the contrast on the blue text. I can see it's here, but I have no idea what it says
Other than that there's not much to say. It's a pretty simple design after all
Is it too simple? Would you add anything else?
Nah, you don't need to make it complex. If it gets to point across that's all that matters
for the logo in the top left you can make a little light going from the first I to illuminate the logo, you can make the logo a little bit darker in the part that is not illuminated.
I mean it's simple which is okay. As others have pointed out. I think the logo in the center is quite tough to read around the ends (espcially the y, could look like a v to some people).
The purple text is unreadable.
You typically want your hero title to explain the "what" that your service/product is offering, and your hero description to provide the "how" on how it's going to achieve that.
You also typically want a call-to-action, so maybe a button of some sort, or a scroll down (pretty weak call to action if you ask me) etc.
Picture is optional, but it really helps if you can get a picture of your service/product in action, to help the user actualize it.
If you can also get social proof in your hero section that is also huge. Things like reviews, ratings, things like that
Right now, I click on your page from Google.
I see "mintfinity". I immediately think "mintfinity? what's that?" and then I can barely make out "nft marketplace". I'd wager a guess and say that a majority of your users are going to see "mintfinity" and then immediately bounce off because there's nothing that answers the question of what/how and nothing draws their attention at all to continue staying on the page. I'd also wager a guess and say that a majority of your users are not going to put in the amount of effort required to make out what "nft marketplace" says because it's too hard to read
From a quick google search, users leave a website in 10-20 seconds on average, so you have 10 seconds to capture their attention and answer all the initial questions they might have