The Fated Cursed Day has arrive…

Rejoice! For the End is near! :SoonTM: The Cult of SoonTM was raised beyond the birth of this server. Its creation was during the dark period of times when holy game have not been bestowed upon the world and thus, many lost souls have sought answers to the truth.* Before this server's birth, many crumbs laid the path to their true official release. Many have lost their patience and thus lost their soul to the dark void of copium. Persistently, the founder of SoonTM has been preaching the idea of oncoming SOONTM since the dawn of time. It has spread far and wide, to the point the legacy continues even without the founder's existence. Many devoted followers of SoonTM, and also newcomers, have asked the founder "Global when?" to which the founder replied "SoonTM". The young newcomers despair at the short answers during the dark periods. They have shouted profanity to all indiscriminately, fought with other avid believers of the game, and spit at those who are waiting just like them. Those who did not believe in SoonTM and was neutral, have their heart broken, and spirit crushed by these angry newcomers. They have pushed even the hardcore fan of the game out of the world and into the unknown (May their souls take the mercy). Today, the angry fistfighters of the newcomers have laid their homes in this server. Even newer people heard of the preachings of SoonTM. Ironically, the cult of SoonTM has risen far above the founder's hand and the believer will continue to rise to the cult's height to heaven. It is my pleasure to post this as the founder
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17 Replies
SnoWireOP2y ago
Thank you all for raising this meme to the current cult of today I would like to thank all for spreading SoonTM to a far greater higher than I hope for. I couldn't have done it here without the believers spreading the prophecy. And thank you to all who have spent time and effort in creating images. I treasure those images at the bottom of my heart. It is upon this cult glory was made on its death when the game is actually release (and not soft release) The Cult will exist and will continue to exist to look forward to the rise of sunset. Amen.
SnoWireOP2y ago
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SnoWireOP2y ago
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SnoWireOP2y ago
by @Mitya Pancake
SnoWireOP2y ago
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Meatie Pancake
It's been literally so long since I made all of this (over a year) I actually forgot how to use Photoshop by now
SnoWireOP2y ago
Rip to photoshop skill :Excellent:
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celi 🌸
celi 🌸2y ago
Ahhhh so nostalgic :IvyCry: :SoonTM:
irene2y ago
celi 🌸
celi 🌸2y ago
Fun times :DobbyF:
chúi muốn ngủ
:awefrogie: thank you for guiding me thru dark times, SoonTM
The day with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord Soon™️ approaches ... arrived to those who have thrice defied him, born as the sixth month dies... and the Dark Lord Soon™️ will mark them as his equal, but they will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord Soon™️ will arrive as the sixth month dies…

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