SQLITE_ERROR: near "ilike": syntax error

I've currently setup an my SQL query as follows:
export const getObservationsByUserId = async (
db: LibSQLDatabase,
uid: string,
search?: string,
page?: Pagination
): Promise<Observation[]> => {
const { limit, offset } = page || { limit: 10, offset: 0 }

const observationsForUserId = db.select().from(observations).where(eq(observations.owner, uid))

if (search) {
observationsForUserId.where(ilike(observations.name, `%${search}%`))

return await observationsForUserId.limit(limit).offset(offset).all()
export const getObservationsByUserId = async (
db: LibSQLDatabase,
uid: string,
search?: string,
page?: Pagination
): Promise<Observation[]> => {
const { limit, offset } = page || { limit: 10, offset: 0 }

const observationsForUserId = db.select().from(observations).where(eq(observations.owner, uid))

if (search) {
observationsForUserId.where(ilike(observations.name, `%${search}%`))

return await observationsForUserId.limit(limit).offset(offset).all()
However, I am seeing this error: SQLITE_ERROR: near "ilike": syntax error ... the search term is validated as a string, and I am using the %{search}% syntax, I'm wondering if this is a bug or is there something quirky I need to do to get ilike to work? (I've imported) ...
3 Replies
MichaelOP2y ago
Yeh @Andrew Sherman I feel like this is a confirmed bug because the following works without issue:
export const getObservationsByUserId = async (
db: LibSQLDatabase,
uid: string,
search?: string,
page?: Pagination
): Promise<Observation[]> => {
const { limit, offset } = page || { limit: 10, offset: 0 }

const observationsForUserId = db.select().from(observations).where(eq(observations.owner, uid))

if (typeof search === 'string' && search.length >= 1) {
observationsForUserId.where(sql`lower(${observations.name}) like ${placeholder('name')}`)

return await observationsForUserId
name: search?.toLowerCase() || ''
export const getObservationsByUserId = async (
db: LibSQLDatabase,
uid: string,
search?: string,
page?: Pagination
): Promise<Observation[]> => {
const { limit, offset } = page || { limit: 10, offset: 0 }

const observationsForUserId = db.select().from(observations).where(eq(observations.owner, uid))

if (typeof search === 'string' && search.length >= 1) {
observationsForUserId.where(sql`lower(${observations.name}) like ${placeholder('name')}`)

return await observationsForUserId
name: search?.toLowerCase() || ''
Which is a similar way to do the ilike ...
Andrii Sherman
Will check that
MichaelOP2y ago
Thank you 🙏

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