What do i do when introspection gives an error?

drizzle-kit introspect:pg --config drizzle.config.ts drizzle-kit: v0.19.1 drizzle-orm: v0.27.0 length: 352, severity: 'ERROR', code: '42601', detail: 'source SQL:\n' + 'SELECT a.attrelid::regclass::text, a.attname, is_nullable, a.attndims as array_dimensions\n' + " , CASE WHEN a.atttypid = ANY ('{int,int8,int2}'::regtype[])\n" + ' AND EXISTS (\n' + ' SELECT FROM pg_attrdef ad\n' + ' ^', hint: 'try \h SELECT', Should i just rewrite my schema in drizzle?
3 Replies
Andrii Sherman
Is you database just a postgres? which version? I'll try to reproduce this error on my end
does this matter
does this matterOP2y ago
It is hosted on cockroachDB: serverless: v22.2.9 If introspection doesn't work on cockroach that's fine. But do you happen to know if cockroach is supported for migrations or anything else?
Andrii Sherman
oh, yeah we don't have a cocroach support yet so there may be some issues if you will ise postgres driver for this

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