Some Tailwindcss classes not being compiled correctly when using a custom theme

I followed the documentation to build a custom there, everything is working as expected, however I have noticed that some classes just disapear when being compiled in both hot and built mode npm run dev/build For instance, using w-24 the class is compiled and applied successfully same with an arbitrary value like w-[500px] but somehow it does not compile w-50 weird
10 Replies
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese2y ago
What could be happening is that since filaments classes are rendered after custom ones, it’s getting overridden again by filament. Not sure if that’s exactly what’s happening here but i had that problem with my plugin. I had to use arbitrary values to get around it. Here’s the link to where I chatted about this so you can see if this applies to what you are doing:
awcodes2y ago
w-50 is not a tailwind value
SaltyOP2y ago
good lord
awcodes2y ago
there's a w-48 and a w-52, but not a w-50, you'd have to make it yourself.
SaltyOP2y ago
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese2y ago
Hahaha! Good catch!
SaltyOP2y ago
welp that's that thanks @awcodes
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese2y ago
@awcodes for the win 🥇
SaltyOP2y ago
thought that phpstorm was lying
SaltyOP2y ago
looking closely at it it's telescope 🤦‍♂️

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