Attempting to reuse some of Filament internal views

I'm trying to build a custom View page for a resource, and I'm trying to use the built-in vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/resources/pages/view-record.blade.php something like this
:widget-data="['record' => $record]"
'filament-resources-' . str_replace('/', '-', $this->getResource()::getSlug()),
'filament-resources-record-' . $record->getKey(),
Hello there
:widget-data="['record' => $record]"
'filament-resources-' . str_replace('/', '-', $this->getResource()::getSlug()),
'filament-resources-record-' . $record->getKey(),
Hello there
class ViewBatch extends ViewRecord
protected static string $view = 'custom-view';
class ViewBatch extends ViewRecord
protected static string $view = 'custom-view';
However I only get the "hello there" text to show, I'm expecting like the widgets to show and the page title as "View <Record>" like it is on a default view page
1 Reply
SaltyOP2y ago
Furthermore, Phpstorm is displaying a warning stating Namespace 'x-filament' is not bound if I remove my custom view from the VIewBatch page, it show the "View Batch" header + all widgets defined nvm, I figured it out, I had forgotten the .blade in the file name

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