How to access a route parameter in Livewire pagination request?

I've got a resource for customer inquiries, which can be of 5 different types, so I pass the type in a URL query parameter, for example: /inquiries?type=offer I can easily get this query parameter in the request and if no type parameter is passed, it defaults to the first inquiry type, so everything works great. However, when clicking on the pagination for page 2, for example, a Livewire request is sent to the following endpoint: /livewire/message/app.filament.resources.inquiry-resource.pages.list-inquiries But the '?type=offer' query parameter is omitted, so the request falls back to the default type and I get the 2nd page for that, not the original inquiry type. My question is, how can I get the request's query parameters sent in Livewire requests?
5 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
you'd need to use the mount() method of the LW component to save the parameter value into a public property, then it persists between requests
Mike Scott
Mike ScottOP2y ago
Hi Dan, thanks for the fast response. However I just found the answer myself. It's in the LW Table docs in fact - you have to add a public properties to the page and also add the query parameter names to the page's $queryParameters array and Livewire maintains these across requests: I didn't have to add a mount() method. The public property seems to be updated to match the query parameter value.
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Mike Scott
Mike ScottOP2y ago
Hi Dan, so I got the query parameter to work but I want to set the page title to include the inquiry type. However, the page title is static and if I try to change it in the mount() method, for example, I get an error because the route (which now includes the type which I added to the title) doesn't exist. So how can I change the page title to match the type of inquiry that's being displayed?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
You can use the getTitle() method
Mike Scott
Mike ScottOP2y ago
Shoulda thought of that 😄 Thanks Dennis!

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