TextInput with no database column?

I am trying to add a TextInput column to a table that allows users to type in numbers. I don't want anything to be changed in the database when they type something in, but I would like to be able to access the value when clicking an action button. Is there any good way to do this? I considered just trying to make a custom view column, but I wasn't sure how I would access the value from the action button in that case.
10 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Hi @tiber93, I'm doing something similar and I'm using a ViewColumn with a custom input tag. There may be a better way, I'm not sure... Are you trying to access this value from a table action in the same row?
TiberOP2y ago
Patrick Boivin
What does your action do exactly? Is there a modal involved?
TiberOP2y ago
Yeah, basically this at the moment: ->modalContent(fn (Trade $record) => $this->confirmationContent($record)) But I am trying to create this custom TextInput that would allow me to also pass in its value through to confirmationContent.
Patrick Boivin
Ok, cool. So this is a bit different from what I needed (no modal) but I'll share my solution in case it can give you a head start Just re-read the code and I didn't use a ViewColumn in the end, I switched to a custom table Action class Action class (simplified) :
class ProductSearchListAddAction extends Action
private bool $withQuantity = false;

public function withQuantity(bool $value): self
$this->withQuantity = $value;

return $this;

public function getWithQuantity(): bool
return $this->withQuantity;

public static function make(?string $name = null): static
return parent::make($name ?: 'add')
class ProductSearchListAddAction extends Action
private bool $withQuantity = false;

public function withQuantity(bool $value): self
$this->withQuantity = $value;

return $this;

public function getWithQuantity(): bool
return $this->withQuantity;

public static function make(?string $name = null): static
return parent::make($name ?: 'add')
And the view (simplified):
$record = $action->getRecord();
$initial_quantity = $getWithQuantity() ? 1 : null;

x-data="{ quantity: {!! json_encode($initial_quantity) !!} }"

x-on:click="$wire.emitUp('addFromProductSearch', {
'context': {!! json_encode($getProductSearchContext()) !!},
'record_type': {!! json_encode($record::class) !!},
'record_id': {!! json_encode($record->id) !!},
'quantity': quantity,
{{ $getLabel() }}
$record = $action->getRecord();
$initial_quantity = $getWithQuantity() ? 1 : null;

x-data="{ quantity: {!! json_encode($initial_quantity) !!} }"

x-on:click="$wire.emitUp('addFromProductSearch', {
'context': {!! json_encode($getProductSearchContext()) !!},
'record_type': {!! json_encode($record::class) !!},
'record_id': {!! json_encode($record->id) !!},
'quantity': quantity,
{{ $getLabel() }}
The state is stored on the action div, and the action emits up from the table to the page Livewire component.
TiberOP2y ago
Hmm, alright. I'll have to see if I can get that to work, assuming no one else has any easier solution. 😄 Thanks
Patrick Boivin
Cool! I'll be watching for other suggestions 👀
TiberOP2y ago
I think I found an easy solution: 1. I created a public array within the livewire component.
public $buyAmounts = [];
public $buyAmounts = [];
2. I created a custom view for my input field column, and did a wire:model to the array, using the main record ID as the key:
<input type="text" wire:model="buyAmounts.{{ $getRecord()->id }}" />
<input type="text" wire:model="buyAmounts.{{ $getRecord()->id }}" />
And that is basically it. Now whenever the user clicks the action button, I can just grab whatever they have typed for that row out of the array. Hopefully it doesn't all fall apart when I have a bunch of records, but it is working at the moment.
Patrick Boivin
Yeah, awesome!
francesco_m2y ago

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