I want to upgrade the developer plan but can't understand the pricing. Can anyone help me?

I hosted a machine learning project. I want to get the developer plan but can't understand the pricing and also don't understand that how money will be cut from my account. project id:b36b9fa2-322a-4356-bd0a-eed9cf1821ac
23 Replies
Percy13mo ago
Please provide your project ID or reply with N/A. Thread will automatically be closed if no reply is received within 10 minutes. You can copy your project's id by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + K -> Copy Project ID.
Brody13mo ago
since you have already hosted this project, just plug the current usage into the pricing estimator on this page https://railway.app/pricing
blackvirus13mo ago
I need minimum 4gb ram but there it's showing $43 per month and the price is very high compare to the other hosting platform
Brody13mo ago
okay? would you like me to change the pricing for you? jokes will your app be using 4gb of ram 24/7?
blackvirus13mo ago
Actually I'm not sure because it is machine learning project so it can but it varies depending on the dataset size. But I saw there is no fixed pricing. Do you calculate the pricing according to the uses of ram and cpu of a month. It means if only once my app use 4gb ram in a month then you guys will charge 4gb ram uses?
Adam13mo ago
Given that it’s an ML project, you’ll be using quite a bit of RAM constantly. You should expect high costs on any hosting service The pricing is calculated according to the usage and the costs on the Railway pricing page
Brody13mo ago
...per minute so for an example if you use 4gb once a day for 2 minutes, but all other times you only use 100mb of ram, your costs would be very low
Adam13mo ago
I will say Railway isn’t the platform to be training models, but it’s fine for deploying them given that you mentioned datasets just wanted to clarify that
blackvirus13mo ago
It is a machine learning project and I created that project to include in my resume. So user means the HR will come to visit my app and he or she will pass some data and some training will happen using that data. So while training , if the size of data is big then the app will use more ram and if the data is less then it will use less ram. Because I didn't created this project for business purpose that's why I don't want to invest much on this app
Adam13mo ago
That’s going to be very expensive if you do it inefficiently. You’ll have to be very efficient with your garbage collection and loading/unloading the model
blackvirus13mo ago
and I'm a student that's why I don't have that much money to invest
Adam13mo ago
if you load the model + data after a user request and save the model + unload everything after training, that shouldn’t cost too much this is something that would be best hosted locally to save costs. No point in hosting it and wasting money if it’s just a resume project training and hosting models is very expensive
blackvirus13mo ago
nothing will be saved. a python fille be created and user will just download that. after downloding everything will vanish like data and other things I want to host locally but I don't know when someone will come to this app for test
Adam13mo ago
Hiring managers won’t be going to the websites in your resume. Chances are they’ll just look for keywords and ask you about the processes/tech in the interview having the code readily available on Github is good enough speaking as someone who’s had quite a few interviews, unless a project really stands out they won’t be clicking any links What I’m getting at is you’re a student, you don’t want to spend a ton of money on a project that people aren’t going to click on. Demonstrating that you know the technology through a Github repo or conversation with the hiring manager will get you far enough If you really want to demonstrate the project, host it for any interviews that you may have, then take it down. It’s going to cost you a lot of money otherwise
blackvirus13mo ago
Thanks for your advise. I really appriciate that. But I think my project is a good project because in the field of datasciece auto ml is hot topic and I create a project related to auto ml. So I think it's possible that someone can come to visit my app. Can please tell me what will be the minimum cost if i get the developer plan. You already have some idea about my project after having this conversation. Can you please tell me
Brody13mo ago
have you ran your app on the trial plan?
Adam13mo ago
I’ve given you my thoughts, it’s going to cost quite a bit. Depending on how efficient your code is, it could cost anywhere from 5$-50$ The best thing to do would be to host it for a few days with normal usage to get a decent estimate from Railway itself
blackvirus13mo ago
Yes ran the app it working but if I pass big data then it's gives error. Can I use developer plan for one month?
Brody13mo ago
you can use the developer (soon to be hobby plan) for as long as you want, go crazy
blackvirus13mo ago
When I run my project on the I got a error message but actually can't find from where I'm getting the error. Is there any way to find that on railway
Brody13mo ago
you can view the deploy logs in railway, click on the deployment and then click of the logs tab if you see no errors, then you are not logging errors, you will want to log errors or it will be very hard to debug
blackvirus11mo ago
does railway support C++ Development Tools
Adam11mo ago
Please create a new thread for this question