Issue with TextInputColumn

Hey all, the TextInputColumn is updating the model in the database, but stays disabled after saving. When I look in the browser console, I see that the request for updating the model is running in a timeout. Any idea why?
21 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
That's really weird. Do you have a debugger running or anything else that might intercept with that request?
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
No not really 🤔 There also is no error in the console. Just the pending network request
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
That’s weird. Your filament version is up to date? Can you replicate that on a fresh install of filament?
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
Yeah its up to date .. Let me just setup a fresh installation and check it Yeah there it is working. So there have to be an issue within the other project
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
Maybe some package you installed? Or a middleware?
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
Thats a really good question 😂 Its hard to debug without any error messages or something
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
Yeah, I'd just remove as much stuff until it works and than add it back one by one to see where it breaks
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
Yeah thats the only way .. Will come back if I have found something
awcodes14mo ago
Are you polling on the table?
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
No I dont ..
awcodes14mo ago
Ok, just the first thought that came to my mind. It's an easy thing to overlook.
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
Yeah thanks for the hint!
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
So definitly this line in the template breaks the code
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
That line is literally the whole "update the select" code, right? Also it works on a fresh install, so something in your codebase does break it
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
Yeah thats the update in the console. I removed everything from the component so theres only filament related stuff in this component also removing every simge middleware did not change anything Can it be a npm package? But how would this be possible
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
Npm isn't run on the backend. If it's running in a timeout it must be backend related
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger14mo ago
Hm or maybe a livewire bug? what confuses me is that there is no error in the console or something
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch14mo ago
Hard to tell, sorry.
Philipp Bürger
Philipp Bürger13mo ago
Just fixed it. The problem was that an Observer blocked the saving process of the model
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch13mo ago
Glad you figured it out