Edit input field on :focus

I want to create a input form that will have a width adjusted to the amount of text in it like in the picture
48 Replies
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
I think that you will need to use JavaScript to observe the key input and adjust the width of the input according to the number of characters.
vince2y ago
I don't really see why you'd want to do this in the first place If you're expecting the user to type a lot in an input field I would use the textarea element and that should give the user a lot of room to type
artusOP2y ago
no its just a title, full description and other stuff will be avaiable when user hover on it ar click
vince2y ago
What other information will be available when the user hovers or clicks? Doesn't sound like great UX unless it's decorative
artusOP2y ago
basic stuff like who added this, when and description is it good or i should change my idea
vince2y ago
I'm not really sure the full context. Your picture shows cards but you're asking about input fields? Are the input fields inside your cards? Or are the cards the input fields themselves
artusOP2y ago
<div class="section color-testing">
<div class="section-title"><h1 class="title"> TESTING </h1></div>
<div class="cards">
<div class="item">
<div class="card-title"> Card1 Test </div>
<div class="hiden-card-info">
<h4> Info </h4>
<p> Added: 07.06.2023 </p>
<p> Author: Jack </p>
<div class="item">
<div class="card-title"> Card2 </div>
<div class="hiden-card-info"> clean your teeth </div>
<div class="section color-testing">
<div class="section-title"><h1 class="title"> TESTING </h1></div>
<div class="cards">
<div class="item">
<div class="card-title"> Card1 Test </div>
<div class="hiden-card-info">
<h4> Info </h4>
<p> Added: 07.06.2023 </p>
<p> Author: Jack </p>
<div class="item">
<div class="card-title"> Card2 </div>
<div class="hiden-card-info"> clean your teeth </div>
and input is only when user click on title to change it
vince2y ago
But why do you want to hide the information until the user clicks or hovers? Oh I think I see what you mean Okay Yea I'm not really sure about this, I've never really seen anything like this. Usually if a website allows a user to edit certain content they'll either have a modal or bring them to another page to allow editing. I'd recommend either of those 2 If you're just doing this for a project to learn that's fine but if you're hoping for other users to use it I'd try to research some ways editing content are typically implemented
artusOP2y ago
its for myself, I was curious if thats even possible
vince2y ago
Yea for sure, pretty much anything is possible in js. I can make a codepen rq
artusOP2y ago
maybe it is, but I won't bother with that right now is there any way to make a input 100% of item width?
vince2y ago
yup So you want it so that when the user types in things it will keep expanding the width? Or do you want something like a textbox
artusOP2y ago
artusOP2y ago
just to make it bigger
vince2y ago
How big? To fill the container it's in?
artusOP2y ago
to fil the .item cause when i use 100% it takes a width of .card.title i think so it have a size like in the picture
artusOP2y ago
make it as long to reach the first blue line
vince2y ago
Got it, give me a few minutes
artusOP2y ago
the blue border is changing with page size so i can set it to const value like 400px
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
can't you just give it a width: 100% ? What is your CSS for the .item and it's children
artusOP2y ago
no i cant :(( here is the code showing what it belongs to
vince2y ago
It's gotta be something in your css that's mucking something up probably
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
How are you making your title editable? are you replacing it with an iiput or using contenteditable ?
artusOP2y ago
https://discord.com/channels/436251713830125568/1117399839731367976 i explained it, ask for it there so i can give u more info and save it for others
vince2y ago
Oh 😂 I'm going a bit off the rails with this codepen then it seems Well I already got this far It really should just be a css issue
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
Oh, sorry, I didn't realise that you had another thread about the same thing.... I'll take a look there
artusOP2y ago
back to question, is there any way to set is 100% width?
vince2y ago
I would make a codepen and test it out there. I don't see why adding "width: 100%" won't work, so I'm assuming it's some existing styling issue that's mucking things up. You can also inspect element and check the browser of the input element, and uncheck styles to temporarily remove them In any case I'm making a codepen right now but probably won't help you too much 😂
artusOP2y ago
i could send you my html code but it has jinjava in it and it crashes on codepen
vince2y ago
You don't need to copy and paste all your html code, the point of codepen is to provide a minimal produceable example You'll most likely fix it just making a really simple version in codepen and not even need to send it to us
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
As @vince says (and I also mentioned) without showing your CSS it is hard to know what the issue might be. width: 100% should work but something must be breaking it. Here is a quickcodepen based on your HTML (but using contenteditable to maje the texts editable) to demonstrate 2 editable titles. The first title has the widht of the text that you are editing The second one is 100% wide https://codepen.io/cbolson/pen/YzRXEpo
artusOP2y ago
bruh there is really smth like contenteditable="true" to edit text... so what should i edit im my code to make input 100% width?
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
When you apply width:100% to the card-title it is going to be 100% of the width of it's parent element. The parent .item has a width of fit-content so it is set to the width of the content give .item a width of 100% (or rather don't set the width as this will be 100% by default)
artusOP2y ago
i tried this but then it looks like that
artusOP2y ago
maybe on :focus i should change it to 100%
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
You could remove the width on the parent .item (which will default to 100%) Then add width: fit-content to the children elements. Finaly, as you say, add width: 100% to the input which you are replacing the text with.
artusOP2y ago
what is "children elements"
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
yes, you just need to add the JavaScript to process the data when the element loses the focus (you already have your save() function)
vince2y ago
https://codepen.io/vince1444/pen/NWEqwbb?editors=1111 This is my attempt (please don't laught at the code duplication 🤭 ) Might not be able to help you a whole lot though 🤷
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2y ago
The "children elements" are the elements contained within the .item ie, card-title and hiden-card-info (though you might not want this to also have that style)
artusOP2y ago
yee i figured it, thanks so much it works ❤️ i just lagged for a moment XD but thanks for that too
artusOP2y ago
artusOP2y ago
should i change the post title, cause we did it 100% not as long as text
vince2y ago
Yea that works, for your ui/ux post in my codepen it shows how unhide elements when youre editing the content I'd also look through how I structured my html
artusOP2y ago
ik i have to much divs but everytime im making new project i forgot about that and they just stay forever
vince2y ago
Only one way to fix that, force yourself to use the right html tags haha
artusOP2y ago
I'll start using it someday 😆

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