How to set meta alt+title with SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload field?

I want to use Spatie "custom properties" and somehow enable editing these values for each uploaded photo in a gallery. Option 1 - was thinking override the form field and extend fileUploadFormComponent to add canSetMeta and somehow open a modal/side panel with 2 text inputs for both image alt and image title. Problem is I'm not sure how to override the components/file-upload.js file. Option 2 - might be a way to use the Repeater field to list all uploaded photos with fields for image alt + title in a 3 column grid. Converting the data around seems like it would be clunky though. Option 3 - could use Ralph's media library pro which enables setting meta, but I like the way the FileUpload field works better. Any other options or ideas? Thanks for any help.
13 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
you could use a KeyValue maybe? and then ->customProperties(fn ($get) => $get('key_value_name'))
FullyLoadedTechOP2y ago
That would work to get the json format matching each media record for Spatie. Any idea how to get it to work with multiple photos though?
I am trying to replace this functionality from the Orchid admin (pardon the washed out screenshots). It allows clicking a button from each photo in order to open modal which then you can edit alt/title.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
you would have to use #curator or #media-library-pro
FullyLoadedTechOP2y ago
If I want to try extending the field, how would I compile in a new components/file-upload.js? Is that documented anywhere? I see how to customize field with the class and blade part, but not sure how to combine with the Alpine JS file...
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Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
good luck trying to get filepond to open a modal, i really wouldnt bother trying to extend it its gonna be more work than its worth
FullyLoadedTechOP2y ago
Would be similar to insertDownloadLink or insertOpenLink to dispatch event for modal which then uses this Filepond metadata plugin?
Easy File Uploading With JavaScript | FilePond
A JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it, optimizes images for faster uploads, and offers a great, accessible, silky smooth user experience.
FullyLoadedTechOP2y ago
Yeah it is more work than it's worth, that's why I haven't been able to switch to Filament yet. The ML pro plugin doesn't exactly work the way I need it to, and Curator is incompatible with Spatie ML.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
Filepond is nice but quite difficult to extend Curator is a replacement for Spatie ML, what are you missing from it?
FullyLoadedTechOP2y ago
Mainly I just wanted to use the ->responsiveImages() part plus all the Spatie config settings. I see though that it has Curator::curationPresets for different thumb sizes, don't remember that from the last I looked at it. Alright maybe that's the solution then thanks.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
curator has a "glider" blade component it can generate responsive images on the fly
FullyLoadedTechOP2y ago
ok thanks for pointing that out, I see oh two weeks ago Curator got support for multiple images lol. yay I think that was my previous hangup
sven16mo ago
Hi, I'm stumbling upon the same issue. I'd like admins to be able to add alt text, image credits, etc to uploaded media. Could you tell me how you ended up solving this?
Glenn Jacobs
Glenn Jacobs16mo ago
Did you ever work anything out?

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