Cloudflare Images, loading issue on Safari 16.5 and MacOS 12.6.6

I am wanting some advice on an issue with Cloudflare Images. We have been using cloudflare images for sometime, but as it happens the client has an issue with loading images in Safari 16.5 and MacOS 12.6.6 So the images loaded look like this, see image. It is almost like the images are not rendered correctly. We us the url format as follows,metadata=none,w=2000,fit=scale-down/media/attachments/870.jpg The only environment which has an issue is the one above. all other environments are 100%. Has anyone else had similar issues, if yes, can we please understand what to do to solve this. I look forward to constructive suggestions from cloudflare support. Please note, we have a paid account, and have been using the image service for more than 2 years without issues.
4 Replies
TriP ZAOP2y ago
Creating channel
Erisa2y ago
Please note, we have a paid account
Have you created a support ticket for this yet? If so, can you share the ticket number?
TriP ZAOP2y ago
@Erisa | Support Engineer I have just submitted to support. ID:- 2829793
Erisa2y ago
Thanks, I'm not working today but I'll try and give it a good look tomorrow because that seems like a very strange issue Closing the loop here in case others find the thread: I escalated it to engineering and they resolved the issue

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