Railway14mo ago

405 After deploying aspnet project

I have an aspnetcore-based web-api. Locally it works fine, even if i build and run it with docker. But on railway, when i try to access the api through generated domain, i receive 405 on existing endpoints and 404 on non-existing ones. An example of such endpoint would be POST example.com/auth/sign-in , to wich i pass json body with user creds
5 Replies
Percy14mo ago
Project ID: d9584449-f807-4d25-b807-f765ae62e699
patihox14mo ago
d9584449-f807-4d25-b807-f765ae62e699 Wow, this is too obscure. A PATCH /game/{id} endpoint, which requires authorization somehow always returns 200 OK, even if i remove "Authorization" header in Postman. And that's not an issue with code, because locally (running in docker container or running on the machine) it works alright! By "alright" i mean that i receive 401 if jwt is broken or "Authorization" header is missing. My though was that railway somehow got an older version of my code, but i implemented authorization in one commit. So there's either version with POST /auth/sign-in or without, and there are no other endpoints with the same route but different method.
Brody14mo ago
you aren't using https when making these requests
patihox14mo ago
Oh wow, thanks! That's really it Yet i still don't get it about receiving 200 on authorization requiring method. What could be the cause of that?
Brody14mo ago
I would normally offer to take a look, but I do not know anything about that language, however I'm confident it is a code issue and not necessarily a problem with railway