How to run a query based on fields and show output in another field

This is my form : return $form ->schema([ Group::make([ Toggle::make('has_verified_email')->reactive(), Toggle::make('has_verified_phone')->reactive(), Toggle::make('new_users_only')->reactive() ->afterStateUpdated(fn (Closure $set, $get, $state) => $get('new_users_only') ? $set('old_users_only', !$state) : ''), Toggle::make('old_users_only')->reactive() ->afterStateUpdated(fn (Closure $set, $get, $state) => $get('old_users_only') ? $set('new_users_only', !$state) : ''), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('test')->afterStateUpdated( function (Closure $get) { $count = User::when($get('has_verified_email'), function ($q) { $q->whereNotNull('email_verified_at'); })->when($get('has_verified_phone'), function ($q) { $q->whereNotNull('has_verified_phone'); })->when($get('new_users_only'), function ($q) { $q->whereDate('created_at', '>=', now()->subMonth()); })->when($get('old_users_only'), function ($q) { $q->whereDate('created_at', '<=', now()->subMonth()); })->count(); return "$count users selected!"; } ) ->columnSpanFull()->disabled()->disableLabel() ])->columnSpan(12)->columns(4), I want to fill up the field 'test' with the count of users based on the other toggles set. I could set it using default but it works in first load only. I want to update the 'test' every time a toggle is changed. Is there a way to achieve this? Thank You
2 Replies
Vp2y ago
Your text input ('test') not need ->afterStateUpdated() try change this one with placeholder and you can see the effect.. I am just showing how you can see changes, but for actual value you have to find a way cause I'm not familiar about input type changing
Kiran Timsina
Kiran TimsinaOP2y ago
@.valpuia Thank you so much. It worked!

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