How to register Pages to Filament from Database?
I am developing a simple CMS for the admin panel. I want to store custom pages and their data on database . I hope to register those pages to filament in a service provider so those pages must be visible in admin panel. Any help?
4 Replies
Why don't you just use a PageResource?
Do you really want a single nav item for every page you have? If so, check the docs for custom navigation.
So far this will create new page to a the admin panel
I still don't get why you want your CMS Pages to be Filament Pages? Also please read #✅┊rules on how to format code.
Sure. Actually I Just want to create dynamic admin pages. so technically it is not a cms i guess
any idea to fix routing issue this way ? it gives 404
seems like i was going in the wrong direction. easy way to do is create a base page and load content using query parameters