Unhandled exception error while trying to deploy a project
Im kinda new to railway and when I try to deploy my project, I keep getting exception errors when I try to deploy. one of which is:
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: Host can't be null
at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder.PostProcessAndValidate()
This is just one of many and most have to do with Npgsql from what I can tell. can someone explain to me how to correct this error and deploy my project?
14 Replies
Project ID:
the project name is active-bite
this error wouldn't be specific to railway, so have you tried googling the error?
I was able to get my project to deploy properly but now when I click the web link I get a page that says Application failed to respond.
please read this docs page
I must not be doing something right because it still is not working
are you running an http server?
I dont believe so
Im not sure some of this stuff is kinda new to me. Im just learning
let me know what kind of service you are running
I built my ap with .net core MVC using a postgres SQL database
i dont know what that is
but i can tell you, it has to start an http server, or you will get application failed.
and your app has to be listening on host and environment variable PORT.
so it might be a good idea to read over that docs page a few times
I did but Im not sure where I need to add that information to make it work.
that would be a question for the .net documentation
ok thanks